Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's OCTOBER 1st - Pumpkin Pizzas!

Hooray for October!!!

Halloween in my favorite holiday, which most everyone knows already, but I just wanted to say it again.  

So today was October 1st & we made our first Halloween dinner of the year.  We actually moved over the weekend & got to my parents house late last night so it was a little insane trying to plan my Halloween dinners today, but I got it done & we did a fun easy dinner that the entire family could enjoy!


First, cut you pepperoni (or other toppings) into fun shapes.  I did some funny mouths & then a bunch of triangles for the eyes & noses.

Next you take those fun little biscuits you buy in the tubes & let the kids flatten them into individual pizza crusts.  The kids LOVE this.

Then you spread a spoonful of pizza sauce on each pizza.

Sprinkle each pizza with ORANGE cheese (because they're pumpkins of course).

And let the kids make silly pumpkin faces on top of the cheese with pepperoni.

Bake at 375 for 13 minutes & voila!  You have adorable little pumpkin pizzas.  Serve it up with a yummy salad & some fruit & you're set for a fun Halloween inspired dinner that the kids will love.

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